Monday, August 16, 2010

Found math problems

I was a very dull student in mathematics, as i did not have interest in it. My school teacher knew that very well and therefore wanted to test me by giving me around 10 math problems and asked me how to solve math problems? i did not the answer on the spot and i was in such an embarrassing situation.

I decided to work on these problems and show to my teacher. I asked her a day's time and i would answer her in tomorrow's class.

I worked on it for nearly two hours but was not able to get the answers perfectly, therefore decided to take the free online math homework help this time. At last i was able to complete these problems and was ready to show in the class with the help on homework which i got it online.

I went to the class and showed my problems to the teacher. I decided to learn math properly and never give a chance to my teacher again to do this to me.

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