Monday, September 13, 2010

My interest in mathematics

When i was on grade 12, i use to find mathematics a bore subject. I never liked it at all. I never concentrated on simple algebra 2 problems also. But when i exams came closer i just suddenly felt the need to be very serious about studies and started working on it.

Guys i worked day and night on my subjects, not only mathematics but my other subjects too. I scored good marks in the other subjects except mathematics and i blame myself for this. I ignored the subject and did not work on it and therefore i scored less marks in it.

Guys no matter what subject or topic it is, i suggest you all to work hard and get through your papers with flying colors. I started taking free online math help and prepared for my final term and this time i did it...I passed out my 12 grade in flying colors in all the subjects including mathematics.

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