Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to write numbers in words

I briefed you with how to write numbers in words, i will explain it in some more details today. You can refer to my previous post which gives you the details on number words.

Rules of writing numbers in words:-

The number of digits in the number has to be noticed first.
Check out the position of the numbers or the position of each digits have to be noticed.
Here remember, that all the numbers will be considered so be very careful.
Lastly you need to convert the numbers or digits into words keeping their respective postions in mind.

Today you learn t how to solve for x and how to write numbers in words right amazing...

Monday, September 13, 2010

My interest in mathematics

When i was on grade 12, i use to find mathematics a bore subject. I never liked it at all. I never concentrated on simple algebra 2 problems also. But when i exams came closer i just suddenly felt the need to be very serious about studies and started working on it.

Guys i worked day and night on my subjects, not only mathematics but my other subjects too. I scored good marks in the other subjects except mathematics and i blame myself for this. I ignored the subject and did not work on it and therefore i scored less marks in it.

Guys no matter what subject or topic it is, i suggest you all to work hard and get through your papers with flying colors. I started taking free online math help and prepared for my final term and this time i did it...I passed out my 12 grade in flying colors in all the subjects including mathematics.

Monday, September 6, 2010

geometry constructions

Friends, lets learn how to work on geometry constructions now. Here first i want you guys to remember the origin of geometry i mean the father of geometry first. The uses of geometry construction and so on....

Guys The word geometry is derived from two greek words called "Geo" and "Metron". Here geo means earth and metron means measurement. A lovely combination of these two words gives us geometry.

We have learn t both practical and theoretical applications of geometry. Like the definition of various geometrical shapes and also learn t how to drawn them.

We have known that the knowledge of geometry is useful in our day to day life. Like for example when we construct a road its map and its routes are drawn with the help of geometry itself. Do you agree with me, have you seen the engineers using geometry in making plans.

Guys i have seen many online geometry help these days the same way we get biology help online.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Math help

We have no problem in finding math homework answers these days, i have seen so many children opting for online math help and competing there homework in no time. The most toughest math problems are also worked on easily.

I saw these children working on these problems in no minute, when i asked them how is that they could work on them? They said it was there online tutor how actually has to be credited. That was a superb answer i got from them. Guys these online tutors work according to the students convenience. They teach there students individually. I appreciate their efforts.

When i asked them what is the importance of statistics, they were so quick in answering me, i was astonished with their quick response because i myself had to look for the answer online.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kilometers into miles

This is a very different topic we will discuss now, lets look at how we can convert 10 kilometers to miles below. Yes friends, it is an interesting topic as we worked on measurements earlier.

Convert 10 kilometers in miles: Solution:

we need to convert 10 kilometer to miles.

Formula for to convert the kilometers in miles

1 Kilometer is equal to 0.62137 miles

To find 10 kilometers in miles

Here we are plugging the kilometer value on this formula.

10 Kilometer is equal to 0.62137 *10 miles

10 kilometer is equal to 6.2137 miles

Answer: 10 kilometer is equal to 6.2137 miles

Find out what is the square root of 20 and revert back.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Math help

All of us look for math help to understand the problems on trigonometry, probability, linear programming, geometry, algebra and many other concept in mathematics.

Don't we? I am here just to tell you what i feel about all this, guys some times we are stuck with some homework and want help immediately what do you think we can do?

We look for some help and that time the first thing which comes to my mind is only online homework help. There are tutors online these days 24/7 and it is just amazing help we receive
from them. They help us instantly with our homework, assignment in mathematics.

We suggest to take up online math tutoring to increase your knowledge.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Probability calculator helped me

While working on probability problems, i find help Probability calculator very useful. I had some of the simplest probability questions and i was very new to this concept. I needed help after i worked on them and found that this calculator helps us a lot.

These questions were very simple but i couldn't work on them because i was very new to this subject and my teachers had given us an assignment which was suppose to be done within a day. I did not know where to go and what to do, at that time my elder sister asked me to take the help of the probability calculator and check if my answers are right. I was so happy that i did accordingly and go the right answers.

Same as you get math homework help, we get Free science homework help also.. So you don't have to get scared when you have homework, just check online